Beulah Land Ministries International
is an outreach Christian ministry that caters to the needs of youth, and to a great extent, those with physical, spiritual, social and moral challenges.

We have endeavoured to take the message of God to the world as witnesses, teaching others to observe, maintain, uphold and share the Love of God to with the world. We have seen great results over the years and have made small steps but big strides to realize our true goals and accomplishments.

With greater plans on the agenda, we are advancing the cause in Pentecostal spirit, realizing that it is only by networking that we can achieve real power with God’s grace and divine guidance. Our working with kids living or affected by the HIV Virus is our utmost objective. Realizing the challenges our economic instability presents, we are even more determined to claim the promise God made to us, “Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find.” We are now knocking on the hearts of everyone to work, pray, support, encourage and love those who are not as fortunate as others.

How long will it be before Jesus comes? Beulah Land Ministries Int’l has embarked on a new strategy to empower the lives of our youth through mentorship and leadership with Godly friendship. Love makes a difference; it is not what you do to a child that always bears fruit, it is what he/she knows that you do. It is not what you purchase for a child that makes them remarkable, it is how and what you spend on. Remember, your presence means more than your presents. It is not how you speak to a child that always warrants respect, how you speak to others in their presence.

It is not what you allow a child to eat, drink, wear, say, or do that makes him/her the best; it is your actions that speak louder than words. People live what they learn.

Our new leadership and information policy network, ICE Int’l, is designed to make a difference by instigating overwhelming positive reflection, moral direction and a spiritual connection for our youths who are rapidly being lost to the world or to themselves.

We invite all youth groups/ organizations, Social Networks, youth leaders, care-givers, parents, guardians, teachers, guidance counsellors, and mentors, to take a tour through the ICE network and view our programme proposal. Your suggestions are welcome.

I believe in Jamaica. I believe there is nothing wrong with Jamaica that cannot be fixed by whats right with Jamaica( Governor General of Jamaica Sir Patrick Allen). Help us as we seek to empower our youth, who are essentially, the future of our nation.