It was in 2001 when having lacked the courage and opportunity to pen his own songs for years, Claude Edwards came to a turning point in his life and came to the realization that “IF I CAN SING IT, I CAN WRITE IT.”

The Mark Finley experience brought home that reality to Claude, when the International Evangelist, who has become Claude’s mentor, was one of the first to ask if he possessed an album. Claude was encouraged by this sentiment, and became committed to take on the challenge.He tackled this challenge with fervor as he claimed the promise, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Claude was returning from his vacation in New Jersey, when the nature of his flight suddenly caused all to lose their appetite. The air pockets and the sudden fall in temperature in the cabin were horrifying. It was like yesterday, he reminisced. Amidst the panic and terror all around him, and screams for Jesus coming passengers including a group of Rastafarians, with much fear and trembling hands Claude mustered the courage to find his ticket jacket, on which he penned;

We need  Jesus, what a joy he brings
We need Jesus, much more than anything
We need Jesus, salvation to impart
We need Jesus, in our hearts

Today Claude can testify:
It’s the trial that brings us closer to Heaven
It’s the trial that brings blessings untold
It’s the trial that bring us close to Jesus
It’s the trial that makes Pure Gold.

Having written ‘Every time I’ for his first album ‘We Need Jesus’, he then revolutionized the concept and inspiration of ‘Sweet Anointing’, ‘Beulah Land’ and with the feminine, classic and soothing touch of Ullanda Innocent Palmer, Lisa Davis and Jenieve Bailey, recorded ‘No more Night’, ‘We Lift Our Voices’ and ‘Will You Love Jesus More’. These are anthems that lift the soul, and with a real Jamaican twist, Ullanda dynamically directed the hearts of the Kencot SDA children’s choir on the Remix ‘We Need Jesus’ with soulful sound. An awesome director and mentor, Ullanda Palmer is God blessed.

The moments were counted for joy spent with God. In 2003, Claude began to write more of what the Lord had laid on his heart. Claude lost his brother who was not a Christian, then his sister and other family members. One day he awoke in tears. “Why am I alive? ”looking at his limitations . he concluded  “I’m sinful, incomplete, prone to failure .” Then he realized how close God was and the possibility of his life in God’s hands. Anything God touches is never the same again, no matter your scars, the blood of Jesus washes whiter than snow.

He took his pen and wrote the song, ‘You’re The Only Reason I Live and Oh What a Reason’, then brought a new meaning to ‘Anchor My Soul’. When he realized how God was redirecting his life, his songs became a testimony. While in London he got the inspiration for “Praise you Lord, I just have to Praise you”, but as he worshipped at his church one Sabbath morning, a lady who he still believe was under the direction of the Devil provoked his soul so badly that morning, that he went to his car and wrote the song ‘I’m Going On With Jesus Just The Same’.

As the years progress, Claude has found the real joy of the Lord, an inspiration that strikes Gold. Hence, he titled his 2006 Album, ‘Golden Inspiration’. On Claude’s Guyana tour, the experience and more so, the social and cultural awareness, endorsed the fact that we need to be ready to go home with Jesus. His song inspiration was on the road again… ‘Lord I’m Trying To Find A Home’, ‘He’s Worthy To Be Praised’, ‘We Praise’ (in London), and ‘Touch My Eyes Lord’ (Canada) were born. All his songs were written through inspiration either in a depressed or enlightened mood.

Claude thanks God for the joy, the love, the inspiration, the motivation and more so the opportunity to be a servant of the King. If we would but pray for each other, support each other, help each other, and encourage each other, then together we would experience the joy of the Lord forever.

Coming Next…
Advent Gospel, Hymns and Inspiration & Pentecost… LIVE!